very nice... I'm sure it gets much better the closer to home you get. In
case no one says so.... thanks for the great job you guys do over there.
Happy Fourth!!!
Jim & Susan
70 2000
> 4th of July on the aircraft carrier USS carl vinson right now. I am off
> the
> coast of east Africa. we are having a nice time flying my helicopters and
> making sure the jets dont go for a drink. Air is hot and dusty and there
> will be no fireworks tonite. Just left the hot ass F$%&*in gulf and on our
> way home, wish I could enjoy the best holiday there is. F18E makes a
> pretty
> cool light show at night on full afterburner.
> Just wanted to say HAPPY 4 of JULY. Hope everybody has a safe one. Don't
> think
> I am going to Shasta meet. The car still in the paint shop
> Jim
> 70 2000 (soon to have new paint and stripe's)