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RE: Theft Protection

To: <>
Subject: RE: Theft Protection
From: "Richard Hugi" <>
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 10:27:29 -0700
Well, I was caught with my pants down on the insurance thing, but the answer
is I'm a Architect and I have custom furniture business that I use the truck
for.  I can't function in my business without a truck. My current financial
situation prohibits me from replacing the truck outright so the only way I
can afford to replace the truck is to sell my roadsters and everything I
can.  I've sold most of my extra muscle car parts and my mountain bike.  I
was told by the Highway patrol who took the report that rarely are the old
Chevy trucks recovered, so I can't wait very long to replace it.


That sucks about your Chevy.  Hope  your insurance covers it.  Why get rid
of the roadsters because the Chevy was stolen?
        Daniel Neuman
        Oakland CA

$As some of you already know I'm selling my two of my roadsters on ebay
$because my fully restored 68 3/4 ton Chevy 4 x 4 (very rare) was stolen
$month.  They also tried to steel my 68 cougar vintage trans am racing
$replica but were unsuccessful.  I attribute that to the battery being
$mounted in the trunk grounded to the frame with a battery kill switch
$mounted behind it.  They couldn't figure that out.  Thank God they didn't
$get that one, I have invested a small fortune in that car.  This has open
$eyes and made me realize that this method is pretty good, and will detour
$most thieves.

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