Looking at Leigh's handiwork (VERY nice, BTW) and documentation prompts to
ask the following question. Are the dash shell attachment points the same,
or at least similar, in the earlier flat dash cars as they are in the late
Marc and I've been discussing how to do the custom flat dash for our '70 and
I see no reason to reinvent the wheel if I can use an early dash shell from
one of the vendors as a starting point.
I've pretty much decided to go with either the AutoMeter Phantom (black on
white) or Z-series (white on black) gauges. I really think the Phantoms
would stand out more and be easier to read at a glance, but there's no
ammeter in that series. In any case I may not have room in the main dash
panel for two large and 7 (including a clock) small gauges anyway. At least
not if I want them all where they can be seen by the driver. I'd like to
have both a volt meter and ammeter along with oil temp in addition to the
"normal" set.
Thinking about it, since I'll probably eliminate the center/vertical console
below the dash anyway, maybe I could put two, three or four of them in a
flat panel angled toward the driver.
Now..., you folks get to try to figure out what the heck I REALLY meant when
I more or less free associate wile "trying" to type. ;>)