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Brake caliper dilemma

Subject: Brake caliper dilemma
From: "" <>
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 2004 16:29:55 GMT
Hi gang... well I had 7 people respond for the brake calipers, and I am trying 
to figure out who was first.  My email system posts the time, but lists it in 
different manners apparently.  I cannot assume that the first responder is the 
actual first, as the times listed are not in order.  There is also something 
about the time zone.  Can someone help me out?  Here are the listings:
According to my email system, it posted to the list by me on July 1 at: 5:31:49 
GMT (GMT I assume is Grenich Mean Time)
Then the following order, all on July 1:
0:24:34 - 0700 PDT (Pacific Daylight I assume)
5:09:13 -0500 (no letters)
8:46:40 -0500
9:13:43 -0500
10:53:16 EDT (Eastern daylight I assume)
9:59:29 -0500
8:13:07 -0500

I believe that the first listed is the actual "winner".  Also, please again 
understand that I cannot guarantee these calipers... like I said, they are not 
new, and one was leaking, and I have NOT looked them over that well, but again 
the price is *FREE*.  Thanks!

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