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Re: double head gasket?

Subject: Re: double head gasket?
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2003 23:48:13 EST
   I did a double head gasket on an R16 that had been shaved too much. The 
power seemed down a little bit but it seemed to work fine. It only has a couple 
thousand miles since I put it together so I don't know how long it will last. 
   I just finished recontouring the combustion chambers on an aluminum R16 
head. It was a fair amount of work. We should get it installed in a couple 
weeks. That is most likely the best solution as you can return the combustion 
chambers to the proper size. 
       The fastest and easiest would be to use two gaskets. I used stock 
gaskets from Nissan.


> The machinist shaved down the head on my R16 (1600 engine) too far.  The
> three possible solutions are to recontour the combustion chambers,
> install flat pistons, or put in two head gaskets.  The last solution is
> SO much easier and cheaper than the other two, I am inclined to do it.
> I looked through archives of other discussion lists on the web, and it's
> definitely been done on other cars with at least moderate success.  Has
> anyone on the list double-gasketed an R16?  How long did it last?  What
> make/part# gasket did you use?
> If anyone has insight I would love to hear it.
> Thanks,
> - Roel Hammerschlag

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