This could help. The Cad tail lights only have two leads and are meant to
be grounded thru their mounting. On the later cars there are three leads to
the tail lights one of which is probably ground. I will see if attaching
the tail light ground from the harness helps.
All the lights are equally bright and they all have 1157 bulbs.
Daniel Neuman
69 2000
Oakland CA
$-----Original Message-----
$From: Patrick J. Horne []
$Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 11:26 AM
$To: Daniel Neuman
$Subject: Re: I AM A HUGE MORON!!- Brake lights mostly fixed!!
$There are a number of things to cause this problem.
$Check to see if the tail light glows brighter on that side than the other
$one. If it does, you have a cross between the two hot leads on the light.
$If not, you probably have an open ground connection on that light. If the
$ground is via the mounting bolts. as it is on the earlier cars, clean to
$bare metal where the nuts and lock washers mount the light housing to the
$body. Also, check the connection between the light socket and the light
$housing, that connection may be bad.
$An easy way to find out where the ground is open is to connect a wire to
$ground and touch it to the different pieces, seeing where the extra ground
$helps and where it doesn't. If touching the light socket helps, but
$touching the light mount doesn't, the bad connection is between the light
$socket and the housing. If grounding the light mount causes it to work
$correctly, the problem is the grounding of the housing.
$Good luck!
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