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solex installation

To: Datsun Roadsters <>
Subject: solex installation
From: Guy & Pamela Pepoy <>
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2003 23:29:35 -0700
I am installing  the new solex carbs I purchased a while back from CDM. 
 I was test fitting the fuel line setup and the figured I had best see 
how the aluminum air cleaner I purchased from Sid will fit.   In order 
to mount  the air cleaner's back plate  on the carbs one must remove the 
4 intake horns.  Each intake port on the back plate
has a sheet metal extension  that sticks out from the aircleaners back 
plate into the negative space where the horns are attached and the air 
cleaner is mounted.    This sheet metal extension, about .250" or so, 
prevents me from tightening the mouting nuts that hold the back plate to 
the carb face.  In addition, the studs that extend from the carbs are 
not long enough to also bolt on the original chrome horns.

What does a fellow do in this situation?   Remove the current studs and 
install longer ones that will enable both the back plate and the horns 
to be mounted to the carbs? Cut off the flange that sticks out from the 
back plate and mount the horns flush to the plate surface?  Other options?
Many thanks,
67.5 stroker project.

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