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Scented Fuel Additives/Chocolate Insult

To: <>, <>
Subject: Scented Fuel Additives/Chocolate Insult
From: "Pamela Bauman" <>
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 08:23:36 -0800
The thought of even adding a product to the gas tank, unless it is to clean
out the fuel system,
is disgusting. What were the "people", who produce this dreck, thinking of
when they came up with the idea? Let's see how we can rip off women?

That said, Chocolate is for consuming or using as a marital aide. And if you
guys can't figure that one out, you don't deserve to be driving Roadsters.

Pamela Bauman
Who now has room in the garage to
do her own car.

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 7:03 AM
Subject: <OT> Scented Fuel Additives

Ohhhh boy... <shaking head> Now i've seen everything..... browsing through
the Summit catalog that showed up in the mail, found this :

Scented Fuel additives... in a full array of fruity flavors. A company
Manhattan Oil puts out crap you add to the petrol to make it smell "pretty".
There are about 18 flavors including: "Victory Vanilla'," "Peel Out Pina
Colada," Turbo Tangerine," "Supercharged Strawberry,"... you get the idea. (
yes, Pam, there's even a Chocolate one!) .

Wonder if the Grape makes your spark plugs turn Purple ! ...Wondering even
more what the heck survives the combustion process to still come out
"smelling like a rose?!?!?"

Whatever happened to the days of going to the track to smell Nitro fumes ! <
deep breath... ahhhhhh>

Laurie :-)
70 SPL311
Chandler, AZ

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