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RE: ground effects roadster

To: "Autox" <>
Subject: RE: ground effects roadster
From: "Pam & Paul Bauman" <>
Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 08:52:29 -0700

You should leave the supercharger on all the time, unless you want to be
seen driving around town with a wading pool stuck to the bottom of your car

BTW, you didn't mention how much you want for your kit. All this R&D must
carry hefty price tag!

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Terry and
Donna Cost
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 8:17 AM
To: Datsun Roadsters
Subject: ground effects roadster

I have for sale a ground effects kit similar to the Chapparal cars of
yesteryear, that will make your roadster stick to the road like it was glued
to it.  I have researched the old literature and found that the side skirts
were the hardest part ot construct because of the seal, so I constructed a
self-contained unit that bolts to the frame under the car and is
self-sealing.  I went to Wal-Mart and bought a small kiddie wading pool,
then screwed it into the roadster frame upside down.  I also bought some of
the "water noodles" that are sold as floatation devices, and duct taped them
to the rim of the pool.  They will provide the "seal" to the road, are self
adjusting and are easily replaceable.  For suction I use one of my
supercharger kits set to suck instead of blow, and I run a vacuum cleaner
hose from the supercharger to a hole in the pool. I have tested the kit, and
found that I must leave it off at speeds less than 10 mph because the car
sticks itself to the ground so securely that I cannot move once I have come
to a stop.  I have also purchased foam insulation board from Home Depot and
duct taped it to the underside of the gray ghost.  The streamlining effect
has gained me an additional 25 mph top speed and 16 mpg, more or less.
Unfortunately, I don't have pictures at this time, but if there is
sufficient interest, I will bring my kit to the New Braunfels Mini-Meet this
weekend at the Schumanns.  That's Saturday, Sept. 8, from 9:00 to 2:00, at
the Schumanns.  I should have pictures on Andy's website next week, but for
now let your imagination be your guide.  Or come to the Mini-Meet.

Leisure Suit Terry

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