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RE: brake questions, and others

To: "John F Sandhoff" <>,
Subject: RE: brake questions, and others
From: "Brian Hollands" <>
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2001 18:55:18 -0400
You should have told them you didn't want it at that price.  It's not
exactly fast moving.

Small rant: I ordered an oil pump. Special order but available. Was
quoted a price. Fine, I'll take it, here's my charge card. "No, we'll order
it first and you can pay when it comes in". Fine. Part arrived Friday.
June 29th. I said fine, I'll be by next week. "No problem". So I go in
today. July 2. Guess what? New price book came out 01-July! Guess
what price I paid! What I was quoted when I ordered? NO. Its cost as
of when it arrived friday? NO. I got to pay the new-and-improved price!
Their response? "gee, you should have paid for it up front". Grrr.

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