Okay... here are the particulars for the BBQ at my house this weekend, Sunday
We are meeting at Ocean Beach in San Francisco at 9am. The meeting spot will
be at the end of Golden Gate Park across from the windmill and the <A
HREF="http://www.beachchalet.com/";>Beach Chalet Restaurant</A>. <check out
the site BeachChalet.com>
>From there we are going to do a short City Cruise and also set up for some
nice group pictures. We may even drive across the Golden Gate Bridge.
After our drive we will meet back at my place and line up the cars. I will
have several parking spots saved for us. Last time we fit 10 cars. This
time we may run out of space as there may be a few special guest appearances.
Anyway, we need some more foods and stuff. We need charcoal, ice, chips and
dip, paper plates and utensils, sausages, salads... etc. Feel free to bring
other stuff too.
We will be back at my place by 1100 to start the festivities.
There may a few non Roadster attendees too. I hope we have a few extra seats
available for guests.
Feel free to call me if you have questions. Btw... my new in-door
motorsports lounge is now open. No need to sit outside under the sun all
Yeah baby!
Michael "Calspeed" Carion
2294 43rd Ave.
San Francisco, Ca 94116