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re: rust coating question

To: "'roadster.netlist'" <>
Subject: re: rust coating question
From: "Ofarrell, Fergus" <>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 15:00:49 -0800
From: "Brian St. Jacques" <>
Subject: Re: rust coating question
Does the Hammerite paint work directly over a rusty surface?

Brian, yes it does.  Like most (probably all) of these coatings, you must
remove the 'scale', meaning wire brush the flakes off.  Then paint it on,
let dry, put a second.  The unfortunate thing is when you buy a car like Ben
Zech's, then after you remove the scale, you gotta get out the shop vac and
clean the driveway of the rest of the car...... (just kidding, you are a
brave man, Ben)
Fergus O

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