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Re: Stroked R16

To: "Gary McCormick" <>,
Subject: Re: Stroked R16
From: snyler <>
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 17:31:05 -0600
Gary McCormick wrote

>I beg to differ - the con rod may still be rotating at the big end, but 
>the small end
>definitely stops and reverses direction.
>Arthur wrote:
Odd to think of part of a moving part stopping and another part of the 
same part not stopping. Does the pivoting at the top end count for 
anything?  I once had a discussion with a work friend about caterpillar 
tracks. He said that the tracks on the ground were not moving, I said 
that depends on whether you're on the ground or on the bulldozer 
(relatively speaking)

-marc T.

               "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable 
from lunacy"

-A Sri-Lankan observing A.C. Clarke struggling with a folding chair

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