Just got back from another quick road trip to Seattle. Left her Friday
night with my friend he offered to take his car trailer over to pick up
a car for me. We arrived and NWDE members Guy Selles house around
10:30 at night .For those of you who don't know what NWDE is they are
an all Datsun Club in the Seattle area. I have only met guy once before
was surprised that he and his wife would let us stay there for the
night. We
had deluxe accomadations at their home. He had taken six months off from
to build it himself and it was fantastic. His wife made us a great
breakfast and
then it was of to his shop to look at his 510 and his Roadster. The 510
is a
BRE painted autocross car with alot of Solo street mod wins.
The Roadster was under construction as he has put a shortened Mazda RX7
rear end in it with four link suspension and coil overs on all four
It also has a CA18 in it. I will be doing a write up on it with pictures
here soon.
Will after several hours of BS we picked up the R180 limited slip that
Steve had
purchased from Guy and headed for the Casa de Glasgow. The point of my
of the trip was to buy Joanne Glasgows 73' 240Z. I wanted an easy car
autocross and drive on the street for this coming season. I was tired of
on the sidelines :-), and knew it would be quite sometime until In had a
Roadster again. I didn't even do a test drive ! we just loaded it on the
went in for a look at Gordon's 67.5' 2000. It is still a work in
progress as Gordon
has been so busy with classes. New NWDE Vice President and fellow
Robin Krause stopped by with her 79' 280ZX she had just purchased for
commuter car. It was a steal for what she paid for it.
After a 5 plus hour drive through freezing fog we got the car home and
off the trailer.
The streets were so covered with ice you could hardly walk on them, but
I hadn't
driven the car yet. Hmmm !!! I thought to myself ,you better take it for
a spin before
you park it for the night. I just had to do it , so off I go around the
block in freezing fog
spinning the tires everytime I even got close to giving it any pedal. As
soon as the ice
melts off this morning I am going to take her for a real spin.
See you all at the track !!
2 69 2000's
74 260
73 240