Still smiling.....took roadster for a Sunday afternoon
ride, just by myself this time....added 4 gal of
94 octane and another bottle of no ping magic juice,
and got no pinging at all, and seemed like more power.
Deeper into the sticks of Chesapeake, winding
country roads...very few houses....and a long straight.
Wound out in 4th, and into 5th. WIsh I had a working speedo
but saw 5000 RPM in 5th with considerable power left....
road going by very very fast and quickly ran out...on brakes and
back down to 4th, then 3rd for a sweeping right...
Got home and pulled out my Brooklands Road test book.
Holy Cow!! 5000 RPM is about 120MPH. I think my tach is
reading a little high, was real fast, but didnt seem that fast.....
Sure was fun though. Heater even kept my feet warm
even though the fan has decided it has reached end of life.
Maybe I'll put that top on someday!
Then again, maybe not!
Oh yea, legal disclaimer...I really didnt do this, it was my evil twin!
(still grinning)
Chesapeake Va
67 pushrod 2L 5spd
72 510 wagon