Now you know I'm going to have to modify my picture to have a
double-wheeled axle in the rear to support all that weight. I'll get right
on it...
Old pic:
Hmmn, oh hell while we're at it I might as well put in a rumble seat...
Fred - So.SF
____________________ Reply Separator ________________________
>Subject: Re: test
>Author: "Ben Zech" <>
>Date: 10/26/2000 11:16 PM
>sure did,,,,,,,,,,
>while were at it, how about a 4 door stretch roadster with a hot tub in
>the back?
>>From: Daniel Neuman <> >Reply-To: Daniel Neuman
><> >To:
>>Subject: test
>>Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 11:31:31 -0700 (PDT) >
>> This is a test..Don't know if any of my posts are getting through.
>>Did the one about the rumble seat come through??
>> Daniel