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Re: checklist responses appreciated

To: Bill Barber <>
Subject: Re: checklist responses appreciated
From: Russell Southwell <>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 19:41:15 -0700
No fair I have a running 70 1600, but I should qualify for NOROC also,
owning 4 non running 69 2000's .
one sat in a barn in western Kansas for 16 years, now sits behiind  a barn in
Illinois. One sat in the sun in Arizona, no eng. one rusted out body, good eng
Iindiana, and one white 69 red int, with 671/2 left front fender and 1600 eng..
Russ Southwell 70 1600 , 4 dead roadsters.
Bill Barber wrote:

> Just out of curiousity, I would like those of you who now have cars that do
> not run to email me with the model and how long your car has been
> "hibernating" or "chillin'" or "whatever you mean by not running".
> To qualify as a NOROC member, you must meet the following qualifications:
> 1. You cannot own one (1) operating roadster.
> 2. You dream often about riding around in your non-op roadster.
> 3. You lurk on email lists in the off chance that someone may describe
> driving one.
> 4. You register and attend meets to at least get a t-shirt to disguise
> yourself at later meets.(Everyone assumes your car ran at the other meet.)
> This is all in good fun, of course - all NOROC members will remain anonymous
> unless they decide to step forward. I am disguising my email as we speak,
> and will be the guy at Doheny with a paper bag over his head 'cause he drove
> up in a Subaru or Daewoo.
> Apologize for the bandwidth.....
> My donation is going out this week....
> Bill Barber
> SRL311-09363 (approaching 13 years, with 40k on the speedo)

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