OOPS!! I stand corrected. It was JOE that was referenced. Thanks for the
correction Rob.
>From: RoadsteRob@aol.com
>To: spl310@hotmail.com
>CC: datsun-roadsters@autox.team.net
>Subject: Lou or Joe??
>Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 17:06:18 EDT
>In a message dated 10/3/00 4:39:50 AM GMT Daylight Time, spl310@hotmail.com
><< This brings to mind a question. In the book Datsun Roadsters there is a
> road test of a 67 2000 in which Lou Mondello is referenced. It states
> he was developing a twin cam head for a roadster. Does anyone know
> about what became of it?
> Sid
> >>
>Sid, wasn't it California's favo(u)rite cam specialist Joe Mondello, not
>Australia's favourite roadster engineer, Lou??
><A HREF="http://www.datsun.org/fairlady/";>The Classic Fairlady Roadster