Hey roadsterites,
The event has concluded today for CSP. It was rather disappointing to
see that the final results show the Datsun roadsters did not fair so
well in CSP. You can see for yourself at
Out of 30 drivers in the class, 5 time national class champion Elliott
Harvey placed 17th; Bill Harvey 24th; Steve Nelson 27th; (Leisure Suit)
Terry Cost 29th.
Elliott Harvey was out of 1st place by about 4.5 seconds. I realize
there are a lot of variables possible that could explain why he was so
far behind 1st place, but I think there's a pattern here, considering
how the other roadster drivers placed. IMHO, I think the Datsun
roadster is no longer competitive in CSP at the national level.
I'm considering a campaign directed at the SCCA Solo Board to have the
roadster reclassified, as was done for many cars in Street Prepared for
this past season. I have a local acquaintance (Bob Tunnell, formerly in
CSP until he got the M3 reclassified to ESP for this season) who has
clout with the SCCA Solo Board and can provide me details for the best
approach. However, there is strength in numbers. So I'm interested in
knowing if any of you lister autocrossers would provide your support in
this campaign to the SCCA Solo Board. If your points are based on PAX's
or similar factors, a reclassification will improve your points for your
events. Please respond off list and I'll pursue it if there's enough
TIA for your support,
Gary Boone
'70 2000 SCCA Solo 2 CSP