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Re: Confessions Of A Reformed High Windshield Hater

Subject: Re: Confessions Of A Reformed High Windshield Hater
From: "Andrew Murphy" <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 17:36:16 PDT
I too used to have the "I only like low windshield cars" syndrome. My 67 
2000 was my baby and that was that. I had NO interest in a tall windshield 
car. They looked "wrong" to me. Windhshield out of proportion, the UGLY 
padded dash with levers and push/pull knobs. Oh to have my toggle swtiches.

Then my girlfriend and I buy a 70 2000 together. Since I have owned it, it 
has grown on me tremendously. The taller windshield reduces the air flow 
into the cockpit and the padded dash cuts down on the vibrations and noise 
levels. I even like the steering wheel better than the one on my 67.

Each model has its quirks and each model has its advantages. Like Roman, I 
am fortunate to have both so I can see the differences for myself.

Andrew Murphy
67 2000 Solex
70 2000

>From: Roman Rist <>
>Reply-To: Roman Rist <>
>To: datsun roadsters <>
>Subject: Confessions Of A Reformed High Windshield Hater
>Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2000 17:07:21 -0700 (PDT)
>   Hi folks,
>    I have to admit, I always HATED late model cars. I've owned 2 66
>spls (favorite year).I currently own, 1 modified 66, 1 stock 67.5spl,
>and (ugh) 1 high windsield 70 spl.
>When looking for a roadster, anything past 67 was ignored. didn't
>matter if it was a 2000 with solexes, panasports, full comp suspension,
>It didn't matter, late model was crap!
>Then I bought one. a 70, made in april of 70, 31006. pretty much as
>late as they get.
>I got it for 500 dollars after giving my client (the PO) a lecture on
>being responsible for the car instead of just putting gas and oil in
>The car was all there, ran, was registered. unmolested but unloved as
>well. Hell, I know I didn't love the damn thing. my intention was to
>fix it up a little and turn it for a quick profit.
>Victor laury said " it just needs a little love", so we started to work
>on it, the car got a little better but  still not worthy of love.
>Went to CDM and got her some shocks, much better, but still no love.
>Then one day, she did it,I don't know how, but she talked me into
>giving her a new interior. So, one day I found myself buying her new
>clothes, so to speak. Now she's almost all dressed up with plenty of
>places to go.
>Here's the suprise, I'm starting to love her, and grown to appreciate
>other late model cars. My days of being a "low windshield only" snob
>are over. I still prefer them, but a roadster is a roadster whatever
>winshield, dash, or color it is.
>Now, some bad news and a warning.
>  I'm very happy with my new interior except the console cover. I
>apoligize if this offends any one, but the aftermarket console cover is
>the biggest piece of crap I've ever seen for a roadster.
>I will not list the vendor because they didn't make the thing. it is
>the manufacturer's fault. I assume the product comes from the same
>place regardless of who sells it.
>I have spent three days trimming, fitting, glueing, clamping, etc. it
>still does not fit!
>Mechanically, I am a novice and relative idiot, but building things I
>am not. (I hand build guitars for a living)
>For the life of me I can't get this crap to work!
>I could have taken the console to an upholstery shop and gotten back a
>NICE console!
>So, no offence to any vendor, But do not buy one of these console
>take it to a good upholstery shop and recover your console.
>I hate to flame anything or any one, but I am very passionate about
>this one thing.  Do not buy this product, great unhappiness will
>On a lighter note; I love my baby blue 70 spl now.
>Roman Rist
>Get Yahoo! Mail � Free email you can access from anywhere!


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