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Re: Police across the USA, no roadster content...

To: Gary McCormick <>,
Subject: Re: Police across the USA, no roadster content...
From: Mike Poorboy <>
Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2000 09:07:21 -0700
When I took Driver's Ed in Southern California in the seventies we
did have some black and white accident films. Haven't a clue where
they where produced. I also remember the CHP's magazine from
where I worked. It seemed there was always one in the office. We
also had a trailer filled with car simulators. They played a movie in front
of us and we where suppose to react to the kid running in front of us.
Most of the time they didn't work so we would floor it and try to see
how fast we could go. What do the kids do now for Drivers ED ?

Hayden Lake, Idaho
It is already June and we haven't had a day in the 80's yet. 39 degrees
this morning. Like to give all the rain we have had to the Southwest and 

Gary McCormick wrote:

> I don't know if the California Highway Patrol has ever produce a Driver's Ed 
>film, but
> growing up reading CHP magazine (thank goodness the accident report photos 
>were in black &
> white), not to mention hearing my dad's stories ( he was a CHP officer for 20 
>years in
> Monterey County) kept me on the straight and narrow when I started driving. 
>Luckily I had
> motorcycle racing as an outlet for my "need for speed".
> Speaking of irrigation pipe, there was the accident my dad worked involving a 
> and a field trailer full of irrigation pipe... OK, OK -  I won't go in to 
> Gary McCormick
> San Jos�, CA
> wrote:
> > My favorite as a Driver's Ed student in Portland in the mid 70's was
> > "Signal 30".  I think it was put together by the Idaho State patrol.  VERY
> > GORY and designed to scare the shit out of you before you got behind the
> > wheel.  I vividly remember one picture of a trucker who slammed into a tree
> > and had a load of irrigation pipe come through the cab and pierce his
> > midsection.  They just don't make movies like that anymore.....

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