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I Love my Roadsters

To: datsun roadsters <>
Subject: I Love my Roadsters
From: Roman Rist <>
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 23:59:00 -0700 (PDT)
Hi folks,

I want to clarify my veiws RE: 25g Roadster
First off, I feel none of us got into our cars as an investment. I know
I didn't. It was the love of the machine. Reminds me of these credit
card commercials on TV, the ones where they say, shoes $65 shirt $25
pants $20, Walking on the beach at dawn Priceless. Chasing somone
around a corner with a 2000 while your clutch is mush and the thrill of
keeping up while your adrenalin is pumping and your girlfriend is
scared out of her wits is priceless. having someone give you advice
with your car or helping you fix somthing on your car that you dont
know how to do or can't afford to get fixed, Priceless. seeing other
Roadster owners with their cars much farther along than yours and
willing to help you get there instead of turning their noses up at your
primer grey paint job, priceless. I LOVE MY ROADSTERS! Has nothing to
do with money. I would like to see the value go up a bit, But I think
every roadster bought by myself, the PO lost money, but the one thing
all the POs had in common was they had found the right guy. The one who
would take their car home and love it. The PO had found a good home for
their baby, much like a pet.  The Joy of owning a roadster, PRICELESS!

Roman Rist
66 1600
67.5 1600 (soon to be 2000)

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