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Re: For Sale: $25,000 Roadster

To: Gary McCormick <>,
Subject: Re: For Sale: $25,000 Roadster
From: Mike Harper <>
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 17:38:31 -0700 (PDT)
--- Gary McCormick
<> wrote:
> Calspeed-
> Your story reminds me of an encounter I had with a
> salesman at the old Downtown Datsun
> dealership in San Jos� about 18 years ago. I was
> fairly fresh out of college, working at
> my first real job and looking for some cooler wheels
> than my '70 Datsun truck. Downtown
> Datsun had two real spiffy looking Roadsters in
> their showroom, a 1600 and a 2000 (I don't
> remember which year exactly that either of them
> were, but they were both high window
> models). I gave both of the cars a good looking over
> and after about 15 minutes or so a
> salesman wandered over, looking down his nose at
> this young guy who was looking at his
> cars.
> I asked him what they were asking for the cars and
> was told (as best I can recall) $6,000
> for the 1600 and $10,000 for the 2000. I told him
> that they were beautiful (at least
> cosmetically), but that as nice as they were, they
> were neither of them worth that kind of
> money. He told me that they had a buyer for the 2000
> working out financing as we spoke.
> "Well", I said, "good luck finding another fool to
> buy the 1600 for that kind of money."
> and walked out (I was kind of a smart-aleck in my
> younger days). I never did find out what
> happened with either of those cars. I later test
> drove a red 2000 that was on the used car
> lot at the VW dealer down the street, but didn't buy
> my Sora Blue '70 until October '86.
> BTW - I love the part in your story where the guy
> says he is trying to help the Datsun
> Roadster market... he's just helping his pocketbook
> to a bigger commission!
> Gary McCormick
> '70 2000 SRL311-13291 (Sora Blue just like
> Calspeed's and you better g-d believe it's an
> original color!)
> San Jos�, CA
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Yes..... you read it right!  There is a Roadster
> for sale here in San
> > Francisco.  It is certainly a nice car too.  I
> have seen it several times and
> > it has always attracted the eyes of passer-bys".
> >
> > The car is a silver and black 1969 SRL311 Solex. 
> The car has been redone in
> > leather and it rides on 15 inch Panasports.  I
> dont consider it a restoration
> > but a good rebuild.  Yes there are flaws too but
> it is a daily driver.
> >
> > Anyway, back to the price.  The car is being held
> on consignment in one of
> > the "fashionable" classic car dealers here in a
> hot property district of San
> > Francisco.  Inside this dealership you will find
> "real" Porsche Speedsters,
> > Ferraris', a few beautiful Minis', Mercedes Benzs'
> of models older than 20
> > years, etc.  And then sitting in the best seat in
> the dealership, right in
> > the glass window corner of the showroom facing one
> of the busiest
> > intersections of The City sits our buddy, SRL311.
> >
> > I was tipped to this car by a buddy Z Owner so I
> went to take a look this
> > afternoon.  I parked my car right in front of the
> sliding glass doors to the
> > showroom.  As I walked into the building one of
> the owners walked out and
> > immediately told me that the colour of my car was
> not original and tried to
> > point out other unoriginal things too.  I didnt
> want to continue telling him
> > he was wrong so I let him go on and on. 
> Especially about the unoriginal
> > rollbar.  Anyway, I finally got inside and went to
> the car for sale.  The
> > dealership owner went on telling me that the car
> was a showcar, was a showcar
> > and it was a showcar.  I told him that I
> recognized the car and I even told
> > him who it belonged too.  He replied that he
> didn't know and walked away.
> >
> > I was able to corner him later about the price and
> he made some good points
> > about why the prices of our cars are so low.  He
> told me that the reason he
> > placed it at $25K because he was trying to help
> the Datsun Roadster Market.
> > There was really no point in going into detail
> about the cars.  Especially
> > after he told me that he thought there was a six
> cylinder version.  That he
> > has one in his garage that he is saving.  He isn't
> sure if it was a '69 or
> > '70.  He also wanted to know my opinion on the
> 1971 Datsun Roadster.  In
> > closing his comments were that the 1969 was the
> best year of the Roadsters
> > and wondered if I knew that.  I told him that it
> just might be.  He then
> > excused himself and left the area.
> >
> > He also believes that his dealership is
> responsible for the prices of the
> > older Porches being what they are today.  I don't
> know if he meant expensive
> > or reasonable.  I didn't ask.  I just agreed. 
> Afterall, who am I to know.
> > ;>)
> >
> > So there you have it.  One of us has his Roadster
> up for sale for $25K.  I
> > hope that he gets it too.  No I can't tell you who
> it is but if you are
> > interested the dealershipis located on Franklin
> St. cross of either Pine or
> > Bush.
> >
> > Michael "Calspeed" Carion
> > 67.5 SRL311-000248 Solex / Sora Blue
> >
> > btw... I will sell mine for $24,000 if you really
> really want it.
> BTW, mine is original sora blue too, and it is a
'66.  Not supposed to be on the vcolor chart that
year, but it sure as hell is!

Mike Harper
'66 1600
Charleston SC

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