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Re: Sand Blast Cabinet

Subject: Re: Sand Blast Cabinet
From: R Haug <>
Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2000 06:26:15 -0700 wrote:

> R Haug wrote "I just got a blast cabinet..."
> I would be interested in what you purchased and am wondering if anyone has
> rigged up anything that worked.  My dilemma is that I really don't have the
> room to store a blast cabinet, and don't need it very often.  I would really
> like something that can be disassembled.  That blast media can really find
> places that the sun ain't never going to shine.
> Chris Brucciani
> SRL 3032
> Marietta, GA

I purchased my blast cabinet form Harbor freight.  It is their biggest one,
about 32" wide.  Can't put fenders in it but all the small stuff easily.  It
does take up some room though, I had to remove one of my storage shelves.  I
also have a pressure pot sandblaster that I used for my frame last sunday.  I
used a tent made up of tarps to keep the sand from blowing all over the
neighborhood.  I don't know of any cabinets that come apart.  I will be using 70
grit sand, glass beads, ground up walnut shells, and possibly plastic medium in
the cabinet.  It has an easy to dump release valve on the bottom of the funnel.

Hope that helps

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