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The roadster list

To: <>
Subject: The roadster list
From: "Victor Laury" <>
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 1999 22:59:34 -0700
This is home. And our home suits our tastes.

I've been monitoring the other lists for a while, and let me tell you there
quite good.  The zcar and the bluebird lists are full of fantastic
information and a lot of it, I may add, is topical to our cars. But it's not
home to me. I rarely participate.

This list is a reflection of the personalities on it. While the Z car list
(5 -10 post daily) is very structured and formal, the Bluebird list (10 -15
daily) less so, our list is full of friendly banter. And that's good - for
us. Believe me, every day I look forward to receiving every 30 - 75 post
from you folks. As strange as it might seem, your my family. And yes, I
really do have a life!

The atmosphere of this list hasn't change much in it's entire history. I
have read posts from as far back as 93, and it was the same, well worn bar
rail serving up support, technical information, humor, silliness and
comradery all along. I believe  this has to do with what kind of people
involve themselves with Datsun Roadsters.  This shows itself again when we
get together in real life as well. At meets and shows, we know each other,
like old friends. Even if it's the first actual meeting.

This list is a success. People do not "lurk" here long. They come in and are
welcomed in. they quickly become a true member and a true contributor. I
think if this list changes it will cease completely. I will miss it, I will
miss you.

I guess the point I wanted to make (long winded aint I?) is, If you feel the
need to correct some ones list behavior, tell them nicely to read the FAQ.
There's no need to "Harp" at anyone here.

Off soap box
Los Angeles

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