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Re: 69-2000

Subject: Re: 69-2000
From: Mike Poorboy <>
Date: Tue, 06 Jul 1999 14:22:59 -0700
Mike Poorboy wrote:

> wrote:
> > hello mike
> >
> > I also have a 69 2000 that I'm having some problems with, the brake light
> > won't work I have clean all of the grounds, I notice there are two wires 
> > runs to the switch on the peddle, I know one comes from the flasher switch
> > the other I think runs to the turn single switch on the column. Every time I
> > try to connect the wire from the column to the switch its pops like I'm
> > connecting neg. to pos.. wonder if you could look at your wire and confirm
> > that the wire from the turn single does go to brake light switch.
> >
> >  Thanks
> > Carl
> > 69-2000
> > OROC
> > 219-486-3810
> Carl,
> I crawled under the dash of my 2000.we all know how much fun that is!!
> I found two wires like you explained, both colore coded green/yellow.
> It appears one does go into column.This would work along with flasher relay to
> work the emergency flasher.the other I could not trace with out unwrapping the
> harness.I have a copy in front of me of the late model wiring diagram.The 
> coding isn't always reliable, but it helps. Your welcome to a copy, I can fax 
> to you
> if you would like, I don't know how to scan yet and send it e-mail.
> Thanks to all on soft top info, the cable is out!
> Mike
> 2 69 200's

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