I was sanding the engine bay of the 1964 1500 I'm restoring when I came
across a number stamped into the panel work that I hadn't noticed
before. The number 1487 is stamped onto the inner guard between the
voltage regulator bracket and the radiator support panel, about an inch
up from the bottom. The number 1487 doesn't match any other numbers on
the car, it's chassis # is 4-SP310-00134 and it's engine # is G-77983. I
owned another 1964 1500 about 10 years ago, but I don't remember there
being a number stamped there. The number doesn't appear on my 1966 1600.
The second mystery number is #105, which it hand written with a blue
marker on the transmission tunnel and other interior panels. I have seen
similar markings on the 1965 Nissan Silvias I have worked on, but on the
Silvia the hand written numbers always matched the chassis number and
the body number stamped into the inside of the trunk.
Does anyone have any idea what these numbers are ?
Also, do any other 1500 owners have similar markings ?
Alan Bent - Queensland , Australia
1966 Fairlady SP311 - 1965 Silvia CSP311
1966 Fairlady SP311 - 1964 Fairlady 3 seater SP310
1964 Cedric Wagon WP31 - 1963 Bluebird P312