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Re: Gas

To: Gary McCormick <>
Subject: Re: Gas
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1999 07:41:47 -0400
  But, remember, it was that government that, at the request of GM & Ford,
took our tax dollars and built roads and super highways connecting major
cities while ignoring the rail roads.  If the US had not built the major
roads, the RRs might have progressed much as they have in Europe.
  Of course those in the government that made the decisions were not out
destroy the RRs nor reward the automotive industry.  They were motivated by
greed!  So today we have one of the best  Inner State Highway systems in
the world and a decaying RR.

  Only my 2 cents ( and worth less I'm sure! ).


So, there are a lot of things which can be blamed on "...the idiots in
government..." but not this one (at least not /totally/).

Gary McCormick
San Jose, CA

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