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SimpleSevens Friend Carter Alexander's passing

Subject: SimpleSevens Friend Carter Alexander's passing
From: John Donohoe <>
Date: Sun, 21 May 2006 17:36:02 -0700 (PDT)
Dear friends,

You may or may not have read Carter Alexander's page
( on
SimpleSevens, but he never let on to me that he was
ill. Ross Robbins, another SimpleSevens friend has
emailed me to let me know that Carter has lost his
final race, with Cancer.

Ross' message read in part:

"I just purchased a book off eBay that belonged to
long time Elite enthusiast and all around great guy,
Carter Alexander. After hearing his name for years, I
met Carter for the first time at Sears Point/Infineon
Raceway last October when the USA 2005 Sevens tour was
there for a day. Despite his weakness from his fight
with cancer, he brightened considerably for an hour
talking about his lovely Elite and his Seven race
days. Carter lost his biggest race a few months ago.
Now his good friend and fellow racer, Bud DeLauer is
listing some of Carter's memorabilia and parts for his
Seven and Elite on eBay... Bud told me that Carter's
wife Roberta and the family wanted to sell them and
his other stuff one item at a time."

So, in an effort to help out the Seven community in
general as well as Carter's wife and family
specifically, I would suggest that anyone in the
market for any Seven or Elite bits have a look on ebay
at Bud's seller list:

It's my understanding that he will be selling Carter's
books first, and following with a variety of parts. I
have been assured that Bud was a family friend and
that all proceeds will be passed in their entirety to
Carter's family.

That said, know that if you bid often and bid high,
that your $$ will go to a deserving family, in
Carter's name. And as Ross said, Godspeed, Carter,

John Donohoe
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