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Re: M100 Validation

To: "Tony Clark" <>
Subject: Re: M100 Validation
From: "Erik V. Berg" <erikb@elrond.sp.TRW.COM>
Date: Fri, 08 Oct 1999 15:59:23 -0700
Steve Brightman wrote:

>>>>> P.S. I was reading the blurb as intro to the Chapman era mail list and
>they make a big point about the subject matter being rwd cars only. It seems
>to me that the M100 is much too recent to be of interest there anyway so why
>make a point about rwd? Can this "driven end bigotry" be a sign of a basic
>insecurity?    <g><<<<

Tony wrote:
>That would be hilarious 'cept that I fear you're serious! 

Steve, call it bigotry if you want, but it is based on simple
principles of physics, not on bigotry.

Other denizens of Chapman-era might disagree, but my personal 
feeling is that the Elise transcends time periods, and it is
essentially a Chapmanesque car.  The Elise design team made a 
very serious effort to invoke traditional values, and a lot of
us feel that they succeeded in spades.  I still want one.

The reason for the rwd comments in the Chapman era mail list 
introduction, is simply to recognize traditional race-car for
the road values, and appreciate them.

What difference does any of this make to you, Steve?

Best regards,
Erik Berg

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