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Re: How did we pick our Marque?

Subject: Re: How did we pick our Marque?
From: Mark Mason <>
Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2006 18:53:58 -0500
== british-cars at supported in part by Fat Chance Garage

> I have been curious how did you listers get so enthused about the
> LBC you own.  How did you get involved with that car?

I've never understood how I got involved with the vehicles I did.  My
first motorcycle was a '69 Honda CB175 from a friend of my dad's, when
I was 17, which I got because it was there.  When it came time to
upgrade, I have no idea why, but I wanted a British bike.  I didn't
know anything about them, I wasn't a motorhead then, I had probably
heard of Triumph but probably didn't know who BSA was.  I went
looking, fixated on a Trident, and wound up with one.  Keeping it
working was how I learned to wrench, and I learned a lot.

Same thing when I got my first car...  It didn't occur to me to get
something normal.  I looked at a few, but Fiats didn't do it for me,
neither did MGs, or Spitfires, but when I saw a TR250 I fell in love.
Again, I didn't know anything about them, it could have been a total
loser and I wouldn't have known.

Sadly that one is no longer with me.  I've had a Mini since, which was
another good case of irrational love at first sight.  Now I'm
restoring a Morgan 4/4, which is my first LBC bought for rational
reasons as well as lust.

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