British car list? I belong to a British car list with living, breathing,
errr, well at least typing members?!?!? I guess life is good again.
Question: I have the Lotus out for a drive today. Two young ladies
approached me to ask about the car. They really liked the looks of the
Europa. I started that say that my wife dislikes the look of the rear of
the car, but I stopped so as not to mention the "my wife" part. What is it
about sports cars that turn us all into "Walter Mitty single guys?"
Lee (doing penance but I still don't know why)
1968 Lotus Europa 54/0712, 1987 Fiero GT, 2001 Silverado, 1997 Nissan Qwest
At 09:05 PM 11/7/2002, Phil Ethier wrote:
>From: "Don Mathis" <>
> > I still have my 1961 MGA. 'Love it. I'm a few months (actually
> > you never finish these restorations do you..)from being closer
> > to finishing my 1937 Derby Bentley. It will be pretty.
>Glad to see you back!
>Phil Ethier West Side Saint Paul Minnesota USA
>1970 Lotus Europa 65/2597, 1992 Saturn SL2, 1986 Suburban, 1962 TR4 CT2846L
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