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RE: Web Sites

To: Bob Hamilton <>,
Subject: RE: Web Sites
From: Fred Talmadge <>
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 18:27:55 -0600
I use Opera and it's fine but some web sites won't let you in if you are 
NOT using MS or Navigator.  There's some tricks you can use to get in, but 
mostly I let them know that "I save money by using old computers and 
software and that if you want me to upgrade that means I have less money to 
spend on your product."   I rarely hear from them, but what the heck.

Fred Talmadge (viewable with any browser you like)

At 05:55 PM 3/12/2002 -0400, Bob Hamilton wrote:
>          Another up and coming web browser that is very stable and supports
>both the HTML standard and Microsoft is Opera Version 6.0 which can be
>found at It has been getting good reviews.

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