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Mystery Vehicle

Subject: Mystery Vehicle
Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2001 20:38:23 EDT
Hi all,

Anyone have an answer to the following question??  I'm at a loss......

Much thanks,

Scott Helms

<<<<message below>>>>>>

I'm trying to find information on a vehicle a friend of mine just picked up. 
I have searched the net and have come up with nothing.  Do you know about
this vehicle or can you point me to someone who might?  The registration slip
said it is a 1959.  It is a van, similar to a 60's VW bus.  The hubcaps have
"TEMPO" embossed on them.  On the back of the van, "TEMPO"  and "MATADOR" are
written.  It's powered by a 4 cylinder Austin engine.  Any assistance would
be welcomed.

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