In case anyone gives a hoot, I've got my computer back up with the old email
files in place, thanks to Mark and several others. I found Mike Brand in
Virginia(actually he found me, as predicted.)
I actually built a 650 Mhz Duron with 128MB of ram and have it pretty well
stabilized. For some reason, some programs left three batch files in the
Windows directory after installation. One was called Winstart.bat and they
all referred to each other creating a loop. They are apparently supposed to
delete the temporary subdirectories created during the installation, but
they somehow caused Windows to attempt to perform work on subdirectories
that didn't exist, and the computer would simply lock up.
I also learned about Ultra-DMA66 hard drive cables because the standard
cable in my secondary IDE controller apparently could not deal with all
those electrons zinging up and down the little wires so fast...