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RE: Zerk/Grease Fittings

To: <>, <>,
Subject: RE: Zerk/Grease Fittings
From: Mike Rambour <>
Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 18:53:00 -0800
At 06:39 PM 1/2/2001 , Lew Palmer wrote:
>Without checking my BSW and US thread charts, I would swear that 5/16 BSW
>thread pitch is the same as American coarse - 18 tpi (except for the thread
>angle). Have you tried just going down to the auto parts store and matching
>up against their stocks?

   Hi Lew,
   You are correct that is American Coarse and Yes I did go around trying 
to find that.  I could not find anyone that had that either, guess I will 
be "making it fit", I just didn't want to spend the time and was hoping to 
find the right thing.  I have already spent too much on time on a silly 
little thing, just wait till I get to the rear end later this week, I will 
have lots of questions I am sure and they will be more important.

   My new years resolution...a rolling frame by March, a running frame by 
end of summer and then the body later :)


~~~~~ I'd rather be sailing ~~~~~~~and \/    \/  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mike Rambour                              .oooO  Oooo.
Bug Writer er...Programmer            (   )   (   )
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