This is for real!!! An after-the-fact Morris Minor owner satisfaction
survey!!!!!! Please answer the 3 questions and email your answers back to
Chifford <>. As for the guru comment, If I'm such a
Guru, where the hell is my barn full of Rolls Royces and all of those
groupies!?!! I mean, I already have the white hair and beard and bore
people to death with long pointless stories, I'm ready . . . . . ! Thanks!
Rick Feibusch
Venice, CA USA
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 10:31:55 -0500
Subject: favor
To: (Richard Feibusch)
Dear Rick,
I'm the owner of a 1964 Morris convertible and a 1966 saloon - I just love
these cars. I'm doing a Master's Degree in Library and Information Science
and have to write a paper on the user needs and behavior of certain user
groups. My professor has agreed that I could write a paper on the Morris
Minor and the information needs certain users may have on this subject.
I regard you as THE guru in the USA on the Morris Minor and was wondering
whether you would be willing to answer a few brief questions about what
you would perceive as user needs on the subject. If you would be
interested, I'll send you a final copy of the paper once it is completed.
The questions are basically:
1) What are your usual needs about the Morris Minor (parts, prices,
availability, history, technical questions, advice, car shows) etc?
2) Where do you turn to in order to meet these needs (Magazine, Websites,
clubs etc).
3) How satisfied are you with these results (very, average, not at all)
I'd appreciate any help with this (Maybe Tony Burgess would be interested in
adding part of my paper in his newsletter)
Best wishes,
Clifford Hull
Indianapolis, IN