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Re: MGB jack

Subject: Re: MGB jack
From: "TeriAnn Wakeman" <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 95 13:12:48 -0800
In message <> Allen Bachelder writes:
> >SOLs,
> >        Nigel cudgel, my MGB needs a jack . . .
> >        Lew Dove
> Lew -
> You don't actually USE one of those jacks do you?  Find one that looks
> good, whether it works or not - just to display at shows.  I carry a
> scissors jack when I actually need to jack the car up.  The only time to
> use one of those jacks is when  looking at a potential purchase.  If the
> owner brags a bit too much about the lack of rust,  play dumb and ask him
> to demonstrate how the jack works.  You can imagine what might happen if
> the guy is lying!
> Best bet for finding a jack - vendors at brit car shows or in Hemmings -
> unless another SOLer responds first.
> Good luck,
> Allen Bachelder

I have one & it works fine thanks.  I even have two factory jacks for the TR3 & 
they work too.  What do you have against the factory jacks?  On the other hand, 
I never liked scissor jacks.  One came with my TR3 & I tossed it & replaced it 
with the factory model.

By the way the most common mode of failure is the top coming loose.  It it the 
vertical stop for one of the gears.  It gets loose & one gear is moved away from
the other & it acts like stripped gears.

TeriAnn Wakeman        Large format photographers look at the world     upside down and backwards     

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