Unfortuneately, I'm still having trouble getting the MG running. But I have
some more clues and a theory that I hope isn't true.
1) I'm fairly certain that the cause is not from the ignition. I did check
the points (gap met specs). Further, I took out a plug, wired it up and
just watched the spark with the engine turning over. The spark seemed fine
and there were sparks from all four.
2) I've removed the fuel line and determine that the fuel is definitely
flowing, (ie. fuel pump and filter seem to be working)
3) Cleaned carborator and changed air filter
4)Following Bob Bender's suggestions I've checked the electronic choke. It
does get 12 volts as soon as I turn on the ignition and the choke valve
appears to very slowly open.
5) while I'm not sure what the best position of the choke should be I've
tried and number of positions just to get it going and have been
New Clues:
1) I've recently noticed that the coolant level is slightly down, (refilled
last weekend) and there do not appear to be any exterior leaks.
2) Also, when I do get it to start there is a plume of white exhaust.
=> I've heard that these symptoms can be the result of a cracked head or
bad head gasket, causing coolant to leak into the engine, vaporize and blow
Possibly this could be the cause of my starting problems....