Not to flog this poor horse into the ground, but I got this hair...
I noticed that the fender beading is gone, which undoubtedly means the gap
has been bondoed over...though this car doesn't look like it is any stranger
to filler. Gone with them are the sockets the windshield fits into when it
was folded down.
Further research shows the louvred bonnet is not a 100/M item, as the louvres
are of the wrong pattern and size.
Most interesting is the fact that all Healey 100s were produced with wire
wheels. I suspect that AH 100-6 disc wheel hubs would be a direct swap, but I
don't know that for a fact. I'd lay a dime to a dollar that the rear axle is
from something else...
A brave soul it would be to resurrect this, especially since the shrouds are
so much scrap...