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TR6 Seat rails

Subject: TR6 Seat rails
From: Berry Kercheval <>
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 1994 15:23:41 PST
I'm disassembling the seat rails on Sybil, the 1972 TR6, so that my wife can 
adjust the seat and actually drive her.  ("Berry, the VW is acting up, why 
don't we get a new top for Sybil and fix the seats and then dump the VW which 
you don't like to work on anyway?"   I love this woman...)

ANyway, I get them out and, passing over the rotted diaphragm and seat foams, 
and the truly amazing PO bodge job on the upholstery, I'd like to know if the 
seat rails can be further disassembled.  THe shop manual just shows how to get 
them out and the TRF catalog only lists the entire unit.  Before I force it 
and break it, has anyone else taken one apart?  I'd like to disassemble, 
clean, derust, clean, paint, lube and reassemble the little beggars.  I can 
see little non-metallic rollers inside so dunking the whole mess into the hot 
tank is out.  What I *can't* see is anything holding these guys together!



Berry Kercheval :: 

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