> Kleenex Tissue original, huh?
> Frigidaire Fridge food conservation centre,
> if you're into kitchens
> Band Aid Elastoplast for those skinned knuckles
Plaster (I NEVER called it an elastoplast)
> Vacuum Hoover
Gunk Swarfega Oily hand cleaner
Anitsieze stuff Copaslip Anti-seize
Phosphoric acid (or coke) Jenolite
Phosphoric acid
> Bondo P-38, Plastic Padding, filler
> Weber SU
hahahahah good one...
> ?
chrome polish? Brasso metal polish
> Linoleum(?) Formica Plastic counter-top (Linoleum in
> UK is strictly floors)
Nope....formica is the same here too.
> ? T-Cut a fierce polish for
> resurfacing paintwork
polishing compound
> Paul.
P.S. I'm sure there are many diffrences aroud the US, same as I'm from Worcester
and Paul is from?