R.e:TeriAnn Wakeman's comments about TR being faster and cornering better vs
MG having better ride...and male chauvenist putdown....
(WELL! Such hallowed ground to trod on, that age old MG vs TR debate.) I just
have to challlange your comments, (and I really don't wish to seem impudent)
but from the generally accepted motor journalism of the eras involved,
contemporary test results, personal experience with both marques, and
numerous other sources... I must Protest! The common experience quoted in all
the above experiences is that the typically TRs were faster, stiffer, less
comfortable & more sparton than the MGs of the equal era,(agreement so far)
BUT the great virtue of the MG was Always the Handling!
Anyone who has ever put a TR3 vs MGA, TR4 (or worse, 4A-IRS) vs MGB, Spit vs
Spridget, or TR6 or GT6 vs anything (but an MGC), especially in tight stuff,
especially tight bumpy stuff, will surely agree that the MGs generally corner
faster, brake better, and are much more driver-friendly, i.e: easier to drive
fast with less likelyhood of something highly-ungood happenning if said
driver happens to encounter an unplanned surprise, such as bumps, puddles,
decreasing radii, obstacles in the lane, .. .(they also rattle less!) THIS
DOES NOT mean I don't have many fond memorys of the TRs I've owned, nor that
I dislike any of the cars I've mentioned!
As far as your "female chauvenist" comment about "male chauvenist"
characteristics,,,, well, I think that the real chauvenism we're talking
about here is Marque specific, notGender specific. Friendly competition and
even light put-downs are normal, human reactions that play out anytime there
is discussion about passions and preferences for things we care about (just
like the friendly competion between fans of different computer platforms) and
please don't try to sell the idea that a little friendly banter and
competition is a "typically male" function, cause women do it to... AND
there's nothing wrong with it! If we All agreed on cars, computers or
whatever, it would be a very Boring World! After all, one's toast is
anothers' overcooked bread! :)
May your oil leaks be small, and may the parts store owner have the chance to
forget your name
John Morgan