If your buddy can avoid to get the car in CA it would be cheaper
to buy it at the east coast. I personally wouldn't avoid to go to
CA ;-)!
I have heard that just the transport from CA (SF) to the east coast is
comparable with the shipping over the pond. One should not do it this
way, but hire a company in CA that would ship the car to Hamburg directly
from CA. If your friend has time he can choose a way where the car waits
in the harbor until some space is available and that's usually cheaper.
A friend of a friend took a couple of cars from CA to Germany. There
are as well abundant articles in German magazines, such as in `Markt f"ur
klassische Automobile und Motorr"ader'. They even say that one pays a
ridiculously small amount (a funny tax) for each little bulb on the car,
but it adds up. So that in the end it pays to take all the bulbs off the
car and keep them in a pocket somewhere.
If necessary I could ask around.
Good luck,
On Fri, 2 Dec 1994 wrote:
> Hi all !
> A German friend of mine wants to buy a car in California and then ship it
> to Germany. He has his mind set on a TR6, but I think he may take
> something else.
> What is a good TR6 worth these days?
> When I say good, I mean one that with little work would pass Germany's
> tough TUeV (similar to MoT in England) standards.
> Also is anyone familiar with coast-to-caost as well as overseas shipping?
> Most of my connections can handle the overseas part, but getting the
> car to a port is the problem.
> Please also let me know if there is a place where these questions maybe
> better answered! :)
> Thanks a lot in advance,
> Andy