Help! We are looking at an original owner, 1966 Jaguar 3.8 S. The paint is
badly swirled, the leather dried and badly cracked and the wood in need
of refinishing. However, the engine sounds good and the car is (as far as
I can tell) completely original and rust free (30 years in Sacramento, CA).
What should we look for in this car? Obviously this is a far cry from the
Midget that we currently (and will continue to) own. The problems that I
found in a very brief test drive were: an occasional clunk upon starting
from a stop (u-joint, engine mount, transmission?), a pool of water/oil/
whatever under the right side of the transmission (automatic), and a
hesitancy to start from a stop (carburretor adjustment?). In addition,
there seemed to be a little tappet noise.
What are we getting into here? It looks like a _much_ more expensive car
to own (not necessaryily to buy) than an MG but it's beautiful. Anybody
know what the _real_ price (Scott?) of one of these is?
So..... what are the common maladies of these things? I know someone who
owns one and will be talking to him but more opinions are always (??)
Hoping for a speedy response....
Rich (what the heck have we bitten off now?) Hill