In message <> Greg Meboe
> Charles,
> I did my car in black leather 5 years ago. I did a beautiful job
> if I do say so myself. Trouble is, I like to drive my car regularly, and
> as a result, my car often sees less that perfect weather. Result: my new
> leather covers have shrunk and now look like cr*p.
I suspect you were sold in inferior leather product. But be as it may, leather
does require more upkeep in terms of feeding.
So I do plan to redo
> the interior, but this time in the highest quality vinyl I can find.
> There exist some really good vinyls these days.
> You'll find, the Triumph crowd values driveability and fun over
> to-the-letter originality.
Depends upon your neighborhood I think. Triumph people value driving the car
but in many areas also value originality as well. You can have both. I have
noticed the North West , and to a slightly lesser extent the whole west coast
Triumph crowd tends to value properly original cars a great deal. But they
aren't snobish about it and people with unoriginal cars & clunkers don't get put
down for their cars because driving them is important too.
I think this is appropriate considering the
> original purchase price and sporting intent of these cars.
> There are two varieties of headlight trim rings. One secures
> with a Posi-driv screw and the other with a captive clip, both at the
> bottom of the bucket.
Lets see:
TR2 & 3 through TS22013 had a rim that was held in by a screw at the bottom.
FThat was replaced by a split rim untill TS32584. After that was the snap on
rim well described below. If the rivited on metal finger is bent or broken off
the rim will not snap into place. It seems the factory made them progressivly
harder to install.
> Both use the bent lip at the top of the bucket for fastening the top of
> the ring. For the clip type bucket, there is a spring-steel bent "V"
> that is riveted or spot welded to the base of the bucket. This mates
> with the upturned steel "hook" piece that's riveted to the brass trim ring.
> To assemble the clip type, just hook the top rearward lip of the
> trim ring onto the bent flange of the bucket, then swing the bottom of
> the trim ring towards the bucket and press rearward as the hook clicks
> into the spring clip.
> The screw type is similar, just drive the screw thru the ring
> after you swing the bottom of the trim ring into place.
> It is possible that your difficulty in fitting the trim rings is
> a result of having a mismatch of screw-type and clip-type buckets and rings.
> Greg Meboe
TeriAnn Wakeman Large format photographers look at the world upside down and backwards
408-974-2344 TR3A - TS75519L,
MGBGT - GHD4U149572G, Land Rover 109 - 164000561