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Re[2]: Why "limeys?"

Subject: Re[2]: Why "limeys?"
From: Duncan Bryan <bryan@Roborough.gpsemi.COM>
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 1994 16:39:09 +0100
*Subject: Re: Why "limeys?"
*Author:  "W. Ray Gibbons" <>
*Date:    9/23/94  9:46 AM
*>On Fri, 23 Sep 1994, Duncan Bryan wrote:
*>> PS. Why do some Americans call British people Limeys?
*>Well, my good man, I dare say we have to call them *something*...

**Good one, Ray. Exactly what did the sailors do with the limes?
Lets not get into that one, you can probably find a newsgroup called  if you look hard enough, if you're interested in
that sort of thing...

Anyway, ask a silly question and get loads of emails.

Thanks to the sensible repliers.

Limes to the others.

What about my mini question?  Perhaps if I mention replacing the Austin limes
then I'll get loads of replies.

No more citrus fruit of any variety thanks.

Have a good weekend everyone


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