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Re: Re: Thanks List - Bikes

Subject: Re: Re: Thanks List - Bikes
From: Bob Tufts <rbt@itc.Kodak.COM>
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 1994 09:52:54 -0400
>From: "W. Ray Gibbons"

wrthwile.  I xpec, howeer, tht leaing ot evey forth ettr wold sart o case
poblms, ad tht soe peple oul expriece dffiult.  I am lmot cetai tha leaing
ut eery hir lete wold e to mch, ut erap no.  I dub, hoevr, ha levig ot eer
seon lte cud ee wr. 

Ry ibn 

Hey Ray,

Where'd you learn to speak Welsh?  :-)

-Bob T.

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