Has anyone done one of these that could give me pointers
on bracket/alternator part #'s or sources. I'd (ideally)
love to get a message that says "take the alternator from
a '73 Nova and the front bracket from an '83 Cavalier and
it all just fits" or even better "The Bosch 24-8732-A just
bolts right up (you have to change the pulley, but the shaft
is even the right diameter")". I'll probably get deluged with
anecdotes of great trials and tribulations instead, but that's
fun too :-).
P.S. Sonja had her first non-planned removal from the road
yesterday. The bearing(s) in the generator spontaneously
failed. I'd done some PM on the generator last year
and there was a little slop, but I guess it was worse
than it looked. I'm contemplating the alternator 'cause
of cost and the fact that now that she idles at 6-700
I'd like the charging down there.