>> Bob Hamilton asked about changing the ratio on his friend's '51 TD - I
tried a direct response but the address failed...so here is is, for all to read
My '52 TD is equipped with the original ratio - and turns 4,000 revs at 60 mph.
Solution? I try to stay off the interstates and map out side roads (seriously!).
I like the lower (factory) ratio since it provides better hill climbing (much
needed in this area) and good torque on our many winding roads. I rarely
venture more than 3 or 4 hours from home with the car, and in my part of New
England there are few interstates. I've heard horror stories about broken
connecting rods in TD's from prolonged operation at revs above 4,000.
Your friend may want to join the New England TD Register (it's a nationwide
group) and ask about the change at one of the Club's shows.
Good luck.
"Lethargy bordering on sloth remains the cornerstone of my restoration style"
Doug Phillips (Douglas.W.Phillips@Williams.edu)
1952 MG TD, Member, New England T Register (#11109) and Berkshire
County British Motor Car Club / Williams College, Williamstown, MA